Writing Handbook Exercises

Comma Splice

In each sentence below, one comma is incorrectly used to splice two independent clauses (complete sentences) together. Change that comma to a period or semicolon (where appropriate) to create two separate sentences.


A tiny Permanent Force could not defend Canada against its then-likely enemy, the United States, but it could train the Militia, the difficulty was that governments ordinarily had no interest in defence.

A tiny Permanent Force could not defend Canada against its then-likely enemy, the United States, but it could train the Militia. The difficulty was that governments ordinarily had no interest in defence.

3. During the Cold War, the possibility of nuclear war forced the government into the position that forces-in-being were all that mattered, if the Reserves were to be of any use at all, it was only for what was called National Survival, the task of rescuing survivors from the nuclear rubble of urban Canada.