Writing Handbook Exercises

Using Coordination

Combine the pairs and sequences of sentences below using methods of coordination. That is, join independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction or items in a series with a concluding comma and (, and . . .). In some cases, due to length or emphasis, it will be most effective to link ideas by placing a coordinating conjunction at the beginning of a sentence or by using a semicolon.

Write your finished sentences in the blanks provided.


In a liberal democracy like Canada, national defence is a shared activity.
It is shared by the people.
It is shared by the Parliament.
It is shared by the Canadian Forces.

In a liberal democracy like Canada, national defence is an activity shared by the people, the Parliament, and the Canadian Forces.

5. Someone has to account for the state of good order and discipline in the Canadian Forces.
Someone also has to oversee the government of the day that controls the armed forces.
Most important of all, someone also must account to Canadians for the state of national defence in all its aspects.