Writing Handbook Exercises

Participials and Infinitives

PART B : Constructing infinitive phrases

example: Reduce the length of this sentence by beginning it with an infinitive phrase.

If we want to ensure that the Canadian Forces will be able to meet its foreign and defence policy commitments in an unstable world, a formal defence policy review is needed now.

To ensure that the Canadian Forces will be able to meet its foreign and defence policy commitments in an unstable world, a formal defence policy review is needed now.

10. Turn the bold-faced sentence into an infinitive phrase beginning In order to, and combine it with the remaining two sentence elements to form three separate sentences, with the infinitive phrase positioned at (a.) the beginning, (b.) middle, and (c.) end of the respective sentences.

NATO launched the Defence Capabilities Initiative (DCI).

The DCI was launched in April 1999.

It was launched because NATO wanted to address the force requirements for crisis response operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
