Writing Handbook Exercises

Using Coordination

Combine the pairs and sequences of sentences below using methods of coordination. That is, join independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction or items in a series with a concluding comma and (, and . . .). In some cases, due to length or emphasis, it will be most effective to link ideas by placing a coordinating conjunction at the beginning of a sentence or by using a semicolon.

Write your finished sentences in the blanks provided.


In a liberal democracy like Canada, national defence is a shared activity.
It is shared by the people.
It is shared by the Parliament.
It is shared by the Canadian Forces.

In a liberal democracy like Canada, national defence is an activity shared by the people, the Parliament, and the Canadian Forces.

4. Officials at NDHQ have for years maintained a system of parliamentary liaison.
It has been mostly reactive, a type of clearing house for inquiries.