A Military Writer's Handbook
Formats and Guidelines

Formats and Guidelines: Introduction

Included in the links to the right are guidelines for various forms of writing required in courses offered onsite at the Royal Military College (RMC), distance learning courses administered by the Division of Continuing Studies (DCS), modules for Officer Professional Military Education (OPME) programs, and various training courses available to Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs) of the Canadian Forces. The materials range from a full-fledged manual describing how to write an engineering lab, to the standard format for a military brief, and advice on how to write an effective book review. Several of these guidelines were prepared by faculty at RMC, who are acknowledged in their respective contributions. Each academic discipline has its own writing conventions and preferred formats for presenting ideas and information. This section of the Handbook is intended to assist students in preparing assignments for individual departments and courses, and to assist professors and instructors by consolidating and making readily available those helpful writing and format guidelines that often reside only in class handouts, on a departmental website, or in distance learning course materials.


Writing an English Essay
Writing History Term Papers
The Importance of Writing in Political Science
Suggested Format for First-Year Psychology Paper

Writing a Psychology Research/Review Paper
Tips on Writing Mulitiple Choice Exams in Psychology
Mechanical Engineering Style Manual
Guide for Writing Chem and ChemEng Lab Reports
Components of Environmental Communication
Guidelines for Writing a Research Paper
Participation in a WebCT Discussion Forum
How to Write a Critical Book Review
    Sample Critical Book Review
How to Write a Summary
How to Evaluate a Case Study
Sample Military Science Assignment
Essay Marking Standards
Conventions of Military Correspondence