- A - |
abbreviations and acronyms |
addressee |
adjective |
adverb |
agreement |
analogy paragraph |
analysis paragraph |
apostrophe |
appositives |
authority line |
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- B - |
brackets |
branching |
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- C - |
capitalization |
clauses, dependent |
clauses, independent |
clauses, relative |
cliches |
closing, complimentary
clutter |
colon |
comma |
comma, coordinating |
comma, inserter |
comma, introducer |
comma, linker |
comma splice |
compare/contrast |
complement, subject |
conclusions |
conjunction |
conjunction, coordinating |
conjunction, correlative |
conjunction, paired |
conjunction, subordinating |
connecting words and phrases
construction, mixed |
contractions |
idea |
coordination |
[Back to Top] |
- D - |
dangling modifier |
dash |
dictionary |
distribution list
documentation, American Psychological
Association |
documentation, Chicago Manual of Style |
documentation, Modern Languages Association |
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- E - |
ellipsis |
English essay |
environmental management
communication |
essay marking standards
exclamation point |
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- F - |
faulty parallelism |
file number/suffix
five Ws and an H |
fragment, sentence |
freewriting |
fused sentence |
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- G - |
gender inclusive
language |
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- H - |
homophones |
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- I - |
ideas, combining/coordinating |
ideas, subordinating |
imperative (mood or verb) |
indicative (mood or verb) |
interjection |
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- J - |
jargon |
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- K - |
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- L - |
listing |
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- M - |
marketing case(s) |
mechanical engineering report |
metaphor, mixed |
military correspondence
military science report |
mind-mapping |
misplaced modifier |
mixed metaphor |
modifier, dangling |
mood |
[Back to Top] |
- N - |
netiquette |
nominalization |
noun |
noun, abstract |
noun, collective |
noun, common |
noun, concrete |
noun, proper |
number, cardinal |
number, ordinal |
numeral, arabic |
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- O - |
object |
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- P - |
paragraph |
paragraph, classification |
paragraph, climactic |
paragraph, definition |
paragraph, descriptive |
paragraph, direct |
paragraph, example |
paragraph, interrogative |
paragraph, narrative |
paragraph, process |
paragraph, transition
paragraph, turnabout |
parallelism |
parallelism, faulty |
paraphrasing |
parts of speech |
period |
phrase, participal |
plagiarism |
political science writing |
predicate |
preposition |
pronoun |
pronoun, gendered |
pronoun, possessive |
psychology paper, first-year expectations
psychology, research |
punctuation |
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- Q - |
question |
quotations |
quotations, handling |
quoting |
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- R - |
R's of effective essay endings |
redundancy |
research |
research, 5-step process |
review, critical book |
research paper,
guidelines for |
revision process |
run-on sentence |
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- S - |
salutation |
security marking |
semicolon |
sentence |
sentence, compound |
sentence fragment |
sentence, inflated |
sentence, topic |
sexist language |
signature block
significance, support and substance
slash |
source, primary |
source, secondary |
spellchecking |
spelling, Canadian |
spelling rules |
subject |
subordination |
summary |
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-T - |
tense |
thesis, defined |
thesis, sharpening |
statement |
tone |
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- U - |
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- V - |
verb |
virgule |
voice |
voice, active |
voice, passive |
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- W - |
WebCT discussion
forum, participation in |
wordiness |
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- X - |
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- Y - |
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- Z - |
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